What is this?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field encompassing the development of algorithms, mathematical models, and computing tools that are able to learn, infer, reason, and interact with the world around them. AI applications can range from search algorithms that parse vast amounts of data quickly, to chatbots that converse with users and respond to their requests in real-time. AI algorithms can also be used to accomplish complex data analysis tasks, recognize patterns, and make informed decisions. AI is the latest technological innovation poised to disrupt the future of computing.

See also: agi, emergence, evolutionary computing, neural network, deep learning

EP72 Joscha Bach on Minds, Machines & Magic 12,400

EP87 Joscha Bach on Theories of Consciousness 7,303

EP 170 John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall on The Religion That Is Not a Religion 3,060

EP11 Dave Snowden and Systems Thinking 618

EP3 Dr. Ben Goertzel – OpenCog, AGI and SingularityNET 592

EP144 John Vervaeke Part 2: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 554

EP60 Zak Stein on Educational Systems Collapse 471